Collagierende Arbeitsprozesse - das Kombinieren, Überlagern und Zusammenfügen - bilden in der Duo-Ausstellung on-load on loop formale Überschneidungen beider Positionen. Während sich die in Leipzig lebende Künstlerin Maja Behrmann mit der Technik der Collage in unterschiedlichen Materialien und Formaten auseinandersetzt, steht bei Stefanie Hollerbach, die derzeit an der HfBK in Dresden studiert, eher das assemblierte Einzelobjekt im Fokus ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit. Gemeinsam entfalten Maja Behrmann und Stefanie Hollerbach in den Räumen des Kunstvereins einen Kosmos aus Objekten, collagierten Tableaus, Zeichnungen und skulpturalen Rauminterventionen.
Feine abstrakte Muster treffen auf Material gewordene Linien. Farbintensive Papierbahnen und reduzierte Formfindungen stehen in Spannung zueinander. Es entsteht eine reizvolle Raumcollage, die im Detail Vorangegangenes sichtbar bewahrt und zugleich auf eine weitere Schicht und Neukombination wartet.
Der Weg zum Konkreten erfordert den Umweg über die Abstraktion
group show
opening 21.03.2025, 7pm
22. März – 19. April, 2025
Shannon Brinkley, Enne Haehnle, Stefanie Hollerbach, Jonas Kasper Jensen, Gabriela Kobus, Frank Nitsche, Alex Oppermann, Tobias Rehberger, Michael Riedel, Daniel Schörnig, Carolin Trunk
curator: Il-Jin Atem Choi
The Städtische Galerie Dresden has invited Stefanie Hollerbach to engage with and contribute to the permanent exhibition through an artistic intervention. Her paintings and objects are juxtaposed with works of art that not only showcase the personal style of each artist but also reflect various historical periods and artistic movements.
The intervention unfolds in three different ways: First, artworks have been replaced by paintings from Stefanie Hollerbach. Secondly, some pieces have been removed to make space for her objects. Lastly, she selected paintings from the gallery's depot to be displayed in the exhibition.
By responding to existing objects and the spatial conditions, Stefanie Hollerbach forms new connections and perspectives for the entire exhibition. She expands the permanent exhibition in a way that makes art comprehensible not as a finished work, but as an ongoing process - with its own history of creation, its temporal context, the materials used and the other works that surround it.
Her interventions invite a new view of the collection. As a result, the works in the permanent exhibition can be experienced in a new light, shaped by the altered context.
Der Weg zum Konkreten erfordert den Umweg über die Abstraktion
group show
opening 21.03.2025, 7pm
22. März – 19. April, 2025
Shannon Brinkley, Enne Haehnle, Stefanie Hollerbach, Jonas Kasper Jensen, Gabriela Kobus, Frank Nitsche, Alex Oppermann, Tobias Rehberger, Michael Riedel, Daniel Schörnig, Carolin Trunk
curator: Il-Jin Atem Choi
The Städtische Galerie Dresden has invited Stefanie Hollerbach to engage with and contribute to the permanent exhibition through an artistic intervention. Her paintings and objects are juxtaposed with works of art that not only showcase the personal style of each artist but also reflect various historical periods and artistic movements.
The intervention unfolds in three different ways: First, artworks have been replaced by paintings from Stefanie Hollerbach. Secondly, some pieces have been removed to make space for her objects. Lastly, she selected paintings from the gallery's depot to be displayed in the exhibition.
By responding to existing objects and the spatial conditions, Stefanie Hollerbach forms new connections and perspectives for the entire exhibition. She expands the permanent exhibition in a way that makes art comprehensible not as a finished work, but as an ongoing process - with its own history of creation, its temporal context, the materials used and the other works that surround it.
Her interventions invite a new view of the collection. As a result, the works in the permanent exhibition can be experienced in a new light, shaped by the altered context.